

Trauma has a way of showing up and persisting despite our efforts to keep it at bay. For some, it’s like a thorn that has settled into place and doesn’t hurt too badly as long as you focus your attention elsewhere. For others, it’s an unavoidable, constant source of pain, anger, and fear. Whether it happened recently or decades ago, trauma can take up valuable space in our lives. This may come in the form of unwanted memories, difficulty trusting others, feeling on edge, irritability, avoiding certain situations, or maybe all of the above. Unfortunately, efforts to avoid thinking about past traumatic events often keep people from seeking treatment and finding relief. Although challenging, addressing and resolving emotional wounds can be incredibly liberating and rewarding. Trauma treatment can positively shift the lens through which you see yourself, your relationships, and ultimately the world around you. 


You may notice yourself feeling more sad and tearful than usual. Or, perhaps you feel numb and indifferent. Maybe you’re tired all the time, it’s difficult to enjoy things you used to, or completing everyday tasks feels insurmountable. Depression can look a little different for each person but one thing is probably clear: you want to feel better. Our work will involve identifying attainable steps toward revitalization so that you can begin tackling current challenges with a sense of direction and clarity. And perhaps more importantly, so that you can get in touch with the parts of your life that make it all worthwhile.


There are many ways that anxiety can manifest in our lives. At low, manageable levels, anxiety can actually be beneficial and help drive us. It can keep us on track to meet deadlines or prevent us from getting complacent. However, most people come to therapy when anxiety begins to feel more harmful than helpful. Whether it’s a specific worry that keeps coming up, or a chronic, global anxiety that affects multiple areas of your life, we will work together to turn down the volume on anxiety and start making room for what’s important to you.

Women's Well-Being

Daughters, sisters, mothers, partners, confidants, innovators, storytellers, trailblazers. There is no shortage of roles that women take on throughout life. These roles are often embraced with immeasurable heart and grit and little-to-no complaint. And yet, struggle exists. You may be hesitant to discuss these issues, or you may feel like screaming them from the rooftops. Either way, I’d love to hear them. Too often, women carry shame, guilt, and self-criticism on top of the day-to-day stress of juggling it all. From difficulties surrounding career, pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood to the lasting effects of abuse and interpersonal trauma, therapy can provide a much-needed space to process these experiences.  I am deeply passionate about women’s advocacy and empowerment and have trained extensively in women’s mental health.

Life Transitions

Life is always in flux. And sometimes major life events can disrupt our equilibrium. Relocations, breakups, new family structure, career shifts, loss, health issues, and educational pursuits are just a few of the many changes that can leave us feeling unsettled, disoriented, and off-track. No matter which season of life you are in, we will explore the aspects of your transition that feel particularly challenging and work to help you acclimate, embrace, or perhaps even reevaluate this next chapter in your story.

Military-Related Issues

Being a member of the military, either currently or in the past, provides a unique perspective that can be difficult for others to fully grasp. Power structure, leadership, deployments, distance, trauma, unhealthy coping, strained relationships, and transition to civilian life, are among the many topics frequently addressed in my prior work with veterans and active-duty service members. There is often limited space to process these issues at work or at home, or even overt signs that these types of conversations are unwelcome. As time goes on, it may become more apparent that help is needed and yet, simultaneously more challenging to know where to start. Your story is important and I hope that you can find the courage to share it.


Humans are hardwired for connection. We hope to be fully seen, understood, and accepted by those closest to us. And yet oftentimes our connections falter. Whether you are looking to address those seemingly unsolvable issues, mend past relational injuries, or strengthen your current bond, couples therapy offers a space fully dedicated to deepening your understanding of your relationship and each other. Our meaningful relationships are always worthy of time and attention.