
Therapy Approaches | Helpful Info

Therapy Approaches

There are many clinical frameworks and approaches used to guide therapeutic change. Whether you are looking to develop specific skills, explore relationship patterns, or gain insight into longstanding problems, I invite these changes in an atmosphere of acceptance and warmth. While I am trained in several evidence-based therapies, my main priority is to provide individualized treatment that is effective for you. Below you can find more specific information on several therapy models I draw from.

Emotion-Focused Therapy

Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) involves recognizing the emotional impact of our early attachments and past relationships on how we currently relate to others and ourselves. This work places emotions front and center — increasing our awareness of how we respond when feeling vulnerable, alone, pressured, fearful, or any of the many other human experiences. We will dig beneath the surface to understand how and why you respond the way you do so that you can heal from past hurts and begin thriving in your relationship with yourself and others. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) involves identifying patterns in the way you think and recognizing how these patterns affect the way you feel and act. For example, you may routinely brush off or disregard compliments while being hyperaware of even the smallest critique. This tendency may lead to feeling anxious, discouraged, and reluctant when you needn’t be. Using CBT, we will focus on challenging and changing these unhelpful patterns, improving coping and problem-solving skills, and learning new ways to respond to difficult situations.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) focuses on increasing your ability to be in the present moment and open to the full range of emotional experiences. This can be a radical and welcome change for those exhausted from battling with their own thoughts and unrelenting feelings such as chronic anxiety, anger, or sadness. Our work will involve developing self-compassion, clarifying what sparks joy in your life, and making bold changes to move in the direction of what you value most.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) works well for people wanting to get off the rollercoaster ride of emotions that we all experience at times. It is particularly helpful for those who struggle with very intense, seemingly uncontrollable emotions and impulses that make it difficult to function. Together, we will take a closer look at the small chain of events that lead up to unhealthy coping, relationship conflict, and painful feelings. Therapy also involves learning a specific set of skills to gain control of these feelings and build deeper, lasting connections. 

Helpful Info


  • The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma – Bessel Van der Kolk
  • Trauma and Recovery – Judith Herman
  • The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook – Edmund J. Bourne
  • Hold Me Tight – Sue Johnson
  • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work – John Gottman
  • Attached – Amir Levine
  • It’s OK That You’re Not OK – Megan Devine
  • The Gifts of Imperfection – Brené Brown
  • Wherever You Go There You Are – Jon Kabat-Zinn
  • Mindsight – Daniel J. Siegel
  • The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook – Kristen Neff